Kate Horsley

Kate Horsley
Kate Horsley

Born into a family of eccentrics and raised in a haunted house, Kate developed an early interest in making things up. After completing her BA at Oxford, she lived in Boston, Massachusetts for a decade. Her jobs there ranged from babysitter and box-assembler to researcher and lecturer at Harvard, where she also completed her PhD. Since returning to the UK, she has taught Creative Writing at Lancaster and Chester Universities and held a writing fellowship at Chester. She is now a creative writing lecturer, teaching for Comma Press and The University of Hull

The American Girl

Her first novel, The Monster’s Wife, came out with Barbican Press and was shortlisted for the Scottish First Book of the Year Award. A subsequent novel, The American Girl, was published by William Morrow (US) and Harper Collins (UK) and translated into Korean by Tomato Publishing. Her poems and short stories have appeared in a number of anthologies like Best British Crime Stories, magazines like Strix, Storyglossia, Momaya, Needle, & Cake, and won or been shortlisted or longlisted for a lot of different competitions, most recently Bath, Bournemouth, and Oxford Flash Fiction. All her longer fiction has been optioned for film and television. She is currently finishing up her fourth novel and working on her first collection of short stories.

Visit Kate’s Website: http://www.katehorsley.co.uk/

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